- Research Field
- We design the future with creative convergence networks in a diversity of research fields such as medium- and small sized ships, offshore plants, green ships, marine leisure equipment, maritime marina.
- Small and Medium Sized Ships


Research Field
Small and Medium Sized Ships

- Small and Medium Sized Ships
- They are Small and Medium Sized Ships, special ones, cruise ones, government ones and traditional wooden ones (Turtle Ship, deck cabin ship (Panokseon), yellow hemp cloth sailboat) etc.
We are carrying out basic design, performance analysis, ship type verification test for model ships, and building production supervision etc. for these ships, and recently conducting R&D in a diversity of fields such as ship type optimization, material development and related equipment development considering energy-saving type environment-friendly systems due to high oil prices.
- Developing ship types for small and midium sized coastal ships
- Developing ship types for chemical tankers and researching construction methods for aluminum ships
- Developing digital high-frequency plate forming systems for small and medium sized ships
- Research on standardization of ship structural members’ shapes and sizes for small and medium sized ships
- Developing air-propulsion environmental research ships
- Design and building supervision field for government vessels
- Supporting reconstruction design and building supervision for traditional wooden ships such as Turtle Ship, deck cabin ship (Panokseon) and yellow hemp cloth sailboat
- Developing the double bottom construction ship shape for small coastal oil tankers

- Supporting design and building supervision for government vessels which are special-purpose ships of local governments and public institutions

- Supporting reconstruction design and building supervision for traditional wooden ships such as Turtle Ship, deck cabin ship (Panokseon) and yellow hemp cloth sailboat

- Future Fishing Vessels
- Due to serious deterioration of domestic deep-sea and inshore fishing vessels, the government carries forward the future fishing vessel project for securing competitiveness of fishermen and fisheries.
Accordingly, we are carrying out R&D such as the ship shape development for operation cost reduction and safe operation of fishing vessels, research on fishing equipment and operation systems, and fleet adjustment research.
- Developing core technologies to design fishing vessels for reducing operation costs
- Ship shape development and standard design production for trawlers
- Developing tourism and leisure type fishing boats
- Ship shape development for reducing operation costs of deep-sea and inshore fishing vessels,
Fishing equipment and operation system research, Operation safety securement research,
Fleet adjustment research for fleet operation fishing vessels

- Developing leisure type fishing boats

- Automation fields for fishing vessel advancement

- E-mail : shjin@rims.re.kr